Welcome to issue 26 of Hacker Bits!We published a series of articles about Skycoin (3rd generation cryptocurrency) authored by Henry Benjamin (from Skycoin!). If you haven’t seen them already, make sure to visit the Programming section on the blog.We have …
Hacker Bits, Issue 25
Welcome to issue 25 of Hacker Bits!We have a great mix of articles this month ranging from Facebook misuse, programmer falsehoods, getting better at reading code, and much more!In these coming months, we’re also partnering with the folks at Skycoin …
Hacker Bits, Issue 24
Welcome to issue 24 of Hacker Bits!2018 is just around the corner, and we hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season. Reflecting on 2017, our 3 big wins for the year are:We moved to an email magazine/newsletter format.We hit the …
Hacker Bits, Issue 23
Welcome to the last issue of 2017!It’s hard to keep up with so many great articles published online every day. There’s always a lot going on over at Hacker Bits. This issue is all about the best articles you may …
Hacker Bits, Issue 22
Welcome to issue 22 of Hacker Bits!We’re excited this month about completing the move of Ray’s writing to the Hacker Bits blog! Currently, it’s mostly about coding, data, home and life hacks.We will absolutely continue with the monthly issues of …
Hacker Bits, Issue 21
Welcome to issue 21 of Hacker Bits!Also, a hearty welcome to the new readers from Hacker News! 🙂One of our articles was submitted to Hacker News, and we ended up on the front page of Hacker News. A big thank …
Hacker Bits, Issue 20
Welcome to issue 20 of Hacker Bits! There are a ton of great, highly-upvoted articles this month. As always, let us know what you think and like (or don’t like). Enjoy the new issue! – Ray and MaureenLearn more Leveling …
Hacker Bits, Issue 19
Welcome to issue 19 of Hacker Bits! We’ll be publishing Ask Hacker Bits (our first column!) in about two weeks! Ask Hacker Bits (or Ask HB) is a new column that features actual tech questions submitted from programmers just like …
Hacker Bits, Issue 18
Welcome to issue 18 of Hacker Bits! We got a ton of feedback, and we hope it shows in the evolution of Hacker Bits. Thanks to each and everyone who wrote to us! We are overwhelmed by the number of …